Command and conquer renegade continue
Command and conquer renegade continue

command and conquer renegade continue

Games that are popular among the casual, offline crowd share the following qualities. To ascertain what qualities a multiplayer virgin looks for in a multiplayer game, we must apply the knowledge we have of the target group specifically their interactions with games in other genres. But for every console sold, potentially, an offline gamer has the ability to enter the realms of online play. When tailoring a game for traditional online participants there is ample direction and a wealth of inspiration, anything from Doom to CoD4 and every title in between can be studied to observe trends and discern the qualities players of these games hold in regard. The audience can be broken further into two groups – multiplayers, and first timers. Renegade’s target audience has been determined, and consists of console owners with the ability to purchase and play content online. The goal, to create a popular online console experience enjoyable by traditional multiplayers and first timers alike. It almost seems counterproductive to discern this information prior to detailing the game but it’s an important step in making a profitable title, by defining our audience we can determine the goals Renegade must achieve, and understand the qualities it must encompass. In part one of this proposal we located Renegade’s target audience and market position. The goal, to take an existing property and create a well received game, minimising risk while ensuring a profitable outcome.

Command and conquer renegade continue