These features compliment an already comprehensive suite of turbomachinery and general CFD tools, meaning that the engineer spends less time customizing code, and more time focused on the engineering problem at hand. Furthermore, a new robust outlet boundary condition was added to handle turbo machinery applications, in which the entire operating curve of the device can be simulated, from stall to choke with less user intervention. As one example of improvements in this area, CFX has introduced means of monitoring of aerodynamic damping during simulations involving blade motion. In CFX, an engineer was often forced to code CEL (CFX Expression Language) or Fortran routines to monitor and post-process advanced quantities.

Clicking the prefix in the list selects all surfaces with that prefix, while CTRL + clicking expands the list so you can see which surfaces had that prefix. So if you have a large number of surfaces all starting with the same prefix, they will be clumped together and indented for easy visualization and multi-selection. Also, lists can be now shown in a hierarchy based on name prefixes. This minimizes the amount of tweaking that an analyst has to do when tackling a new type of problem. One impressive step forward in Fluent’s usability is exemplified in the addition of a beta feature which automatically adjusts detailed settings based on the type of problem being solved. New enhancement helps organize detailed settings by project At the end of the day, analysts can get their job done more efficiently and reliably. In the Ansys 15 release, rather than introducing a sheer number of big flashy new features, Ansys had put forth a massive effort in significantly increasing speed, usability and robustness for their fluids simulation offerings: Fluent and CFX. Reasons for this are numerous sometimes it’s due to the underlying physics, sometimes solver design and limitations get in the way. We’ve all gone through the growing pains of trying to get a new class of simulation to converge, or even past the first iteration. Most analysts will agree that CFD is often regarded as an art because of its highly complex and non-linear nature. Industrial Equipment and Rotating Machinery.Torsional Vibration Measurements Testing.Structural & Thermal Applications (FEA).Particle Simulation Applications (Rocky DEM).Forensic Engineering & Expert Witnesses.Fluid Flow & Thermal Applications (CFD).Electronic and Electrical Applications (EM).